

The words swirl in my spirit

Trying to latch onto meaning

Desperate to find significance

And my hands begin to itch,

Angst, tired of idleness

The words begin to gain momentum

Frenzied, desperate to be immortalized

To be written in ink that never fades

On paper that never burns

To be read, to be learned

Yearning to be seared into memory

To be preserved in the folds of consciousness

They fight one another

Dancing in the grooves of my mind

Battling for dominance, for attention

And I wait, tense,

For those of them that will emerge out of the shadows, victorious

My neck, my shoulders tighten

My soul begins to wander, reaching,

Hunting, alert

My breathing slows down

My pen hovers, longing, craving

And just as I am about to give in,

To close my eyes in despair,

A few words begin to glint in the darkness

Taking shape, taking form

And they being to tumble,

To flow out of me,

Delirious at the prospect of escape

And my pen moves

Scratching emotions onto white pages

And finally,

Finally, it arrives

Release, my existence’s vindication